Destiny PC Release Date, Spoilers and Other Latest News: Destiny PC Release Date to be Announced Soon, Rumored for a Fall 2015 Release?

Destiny PC Release Date, Spoilers and Other Latest News: Destiny PC Release Date to be Announced Soon, Rumored for a Fall 2015 Release?
Fans of the much-awaited Destiny PC version can't wait to finally know if there will ever be a PC version, and if so, avid gamers can't wait to know when the release date will be.
Fortunately, Activision CEO Erik Hirshberg shed some light in a recent interview. According to him, ""It is [a good fit], and it's something we're talking about and looking at very carefully, and obviously it makes a lot of sense with the genre and the type of game it is. Again, no announcements, but it's something that's a heavy point of discussion. And you asked how are we dealing with the complexity of developing for so many platforms, how about one more on top of that?"
"You know, developing Destiny PC is a different animal than developing for consoles and so we just want to make sure that we're putting one foot in front of the other and getting it right, and that it's of the highest possible quality. But obviously I see the same things about the natural fit."
In addition, according to, some rumors have been circulating that Bungie, the game developer, is currently in the works of coming up with a PC port for this popular game. Some speculators also reveal that the Destiny PC version may be out about a year after the game has been released in consoles. If that is the case and if proven to be true, then fans can expect a Destiny PC version to be released during fall 2015.
We are certainly hoping for a Destiny PC version announcement and release date soon. Standby as we deliver more updates on this much-awaited game.
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