Justin Bieber's Mom Praying God Encounters Her Son

Pop singer Justin Bieber and his mother Pattie Mallette might not be as close as they would like to be right now, but this has not stopped Mallette from praying for him. Pattie Mallette, a committed Christian, hopes her son will have an encounter with God.
When Bieber celebrated his birthday recently, his mother sent him a birthday greeting via Twitter: "22 years ago I was 18 [years] old, pregnant & scared. But God. Lord encounter @justinbieber for his bday! Give him all I couldn't in Jesus name."
The relationship between Bieber and his mother got strained when he catapulted into the limelight and indulged in a life of heavy drinking, partying, and drugs. iI was distant because I was ashamed. I never wanted my mom to be disappointed in me and I knew she was," Bieber told Billboard last year. "We spent some time not talking, so it takes time to rebuild that trust. She's living in Hawaii now, so it's hard, but getting better."
Now, his mother is praying for her son to live in the presence of God. Pattie Mallette was born in Ontario, Canada to a poor family that struggled to make ends meet. She has shared much about her background, including sex abuse and the numerous challenges that led to her unexpected teen pregnancy.
"I was sexually violated so many times that as the years went by it began to feel normal," writes Mallette. "It's a strange... knowing something is wrong yet at the same time finding it familiar and commonplace."
Mallete left home when she was 16 and turned to petty crime and pot dealing in order to fund her lifestyle. She later met Justin's dad Jeremy Bieber. But the elationship was highly "toxic." Unable to find balance in her life, one day she threw herself in front of a truck six months prior to learning she was pregnant with Justin. This suicide attempt landed her in a mental ward.
Once she returned to normal life, she dove back into her relationship with Bieber and eventually learned she was pregnant with Justin and became a Christian. As a child, it became apparent that Justin was a natural musician. Mallette gave him a drum kit for his second birthday because he was addicted to banging on random objects to create sounds. He also had a beautiful voice.
Tags : justin biber pattie mallette Pattie Mallette news Pattie Mallette latest Justin Bieber news justin bieber faith justin bieber mom