Sarah Begaj Shares the Inspiration Behind "In You I Have My Being"

Singer and songwriter Sarah Begaj has teamed up with Homegrown Worship to release her new song "In You I Have My Being."
Begaj shares with us the inspiration behind this moving worship song: "The song 'In You I have My Being' came as a direct answer from the Lord one day when out of frustration I asked "Lord what is my purpose?" The previous week I had attended a Christian camp and listened to many inspiring testimonies of souls being reached for the Lord and wondered if I could really make an impact for His Kingdom, if I was doing 'enough'. Within minutes the melody of this song along with words from Acts 17:28 poured out of my mouth; "In Him we live and move and have our being". It was as if the Lord had said to me: "Your purpose is found only in me and in bringing me glory. The way you can reach souls is to continue to do the very thing you love to do for Me". A weight was lifted - His yoke is easy and His burden is light! God purposes in us to will and to do for His good pleasure. Our purpose is to know Him, the true God Jesus Christ (John 17:3). We have been created for His glory (Isaiah 43:7).
I hope this song can reaffirm in the believer their purpose and identity in Jesus and His purposes in our lives. May we hold onto the reality of the cross of Jesus bringing us into an eternal relationship with God, that we may be confident in the hope of His calling, partakers of the riches of his glory and the greatness of His power!"
Sarah Begaj is a singer and songwriter from the South of England. She grew up near Portsmouth, where she currently resides with her husband and two children. She began learning to play the piano and violin at a young age and writing songs at the age of 9. She spent 6 years as a missionary in Kosovo between 2001 and 2007. These years abroad deepened her faith and influenced the style and content of her music. She has penned over 30 scripture based songs in recent years, desiring faith to be be sown through the words; "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God". (Romans 10:17) She released her first acoustic album ' My Heart Is Steadfast' at the end of 2018" and continues to work on new material.
Tags : Sarah Begaj "In You I Have My Being" Sarah Begaj news Sarah Begaj new single homegrown worship homegrown worship interview