Christian Leaders Reflect and Pray for Joe Biden on His Inauguration Day

Today Joe Biden has been sworn in as the 46th US president, ending one of the most dramatic political transitions in American history. Kamala Harris was sworn in as vice-president ahead of Mr Biden. She is the first woman - and the first black and Asian-American person - to serve in the role, a heartbeat from the presidency. As our nation enters into a new phase, Christian leaders have taken the time to reflect and pray about today's historic occassion.
Jentzen Franklin:
Join me in praying for President @Joebiden, Vice President @KamalaHarris, their families and their entire administration. Pray for wisdom, health, protection, guidance and for God to heal our land.
Mark Dever:
60 years ago today, John F. Kennedy, our only other Roman Catholic President said in his inaugural address, "Let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own."
Franklin Graham:
Today as our country inaugurates a new president, there are concerns that there could be violence in Washington, DC, and in state capitals across the nation. I encourage Christians to make this a day of prayer-for peace and calm, and praying for our new leaders, President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.
Johnnie Moore:
Congratulations to @POTUS @JoeBiden the 46th President of the United States & to @VP @KamalaHarris. You can count on my prayers & the prayers of tens-of-millions of Evangelicals whose commitment to pray for our nation & its leaders knows no politics.
Beth Moore:
Rulers of nations have come and gone for 2000 years but the church remains. We did not know all that would befall us 4 years ago nor do we know the times ahead. But the task of the church remains unchanged: to know Christ & make him known. To be salt & light in this time & place.
Russell Moore:
Congratulations to President @JoeBiden. You have my prayers for blessing, wisdom, health, and success in leading our country.
Tags : Joe Biden Joe Biden inaguration day jentzen franklin russell moore Mark Dever beth moore
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