Ellie Holcomb's New Book Invites Us to Ponder God's Word with Her

Christian music singer and songwriter Ellie Holcomb will be releasing her first devotional book Fighting Words - 100 Days of Speaking Truth into the Darkness (B&H Publishing), on October 15, 2021. In Fighting Words, you are invited to come alongside Ellie, as you ponder the power of God's promises together and speak them into the darkest corners of your soul.
Holcomb tells how the book came about. "Three years ago, I started #FightingWordsFriday on my Instagram page as a way to share pieces of scripture that I have personally found to be extremely transformative and powerful to hang onto. The community that has grown out of that has been beautiful and powerful, and it inspired me to combine everything into a devotional! It is 100 days full of Truth so that we can all speak into the darkness that surrounds us together."
With the countless devotional books out there, what sets Fighting Words apart? Fighting Words is more like an invitation than a book! It's an invitation to come as you are and lie down in the green pastures of God's Word. It's an invitation to bury some treasure in your heart as we memorize God's Word together, and my hope is that this book will feel like a companion who will meet you where you are, come alongside you and help you know that you're not alone.
This book is an invitation to pull up a seat and linger at the beautiful banquet table of God's Word. I'll sit right beside you, so we can ponder the power of God's promises together. I think the main content of this book is God's Word and your heart! I highly recommend that you read through this devotional with a journal in hand to process and pray through God's Word, and carve out time to listen to how the Spirit is speaking, guiding and leading you as you meditate on and memorize Scripture.
You can pre-order the book here: https://www.ellieholcomb.com/fighting-words-devotional
This summer she released her third full-length solo project, Canyon, to much acclaim. "A deeper sorrow, a higher hope; to be broken is to be human," Ellie Holcomb says to sum up the content of her latest album.
For more information visit: ellieholcomb.com
Tags : Ellie Holcomb Ellie Holcomb DEVOTIONAL BOOK Ellie Holcomb book Fighting Words - 100 Days of Speaking Truth into the Darkness