The Lore Family Brings Timely Christmas Message With “His Name Is Jesus”

Southern Gospel ensemble The Lore Family has released their new Christmas single "His Name is Jesus." Written by Darren Lore and hitmakers Chris Binion and Nathan Woodard. the song depicts the birth of Jesus, building in energy and spirit to the joyous revelation of the chorus: "His name is Jesus, God's only son, the chosen one / Who was born to save us..."
"`His Name is Jesus' s such a fun song!" the family announces. "It has a country/southern swing to it unlike anything we've ever recorded. The best thing about the song is who it is all about: Jesus! My favorite line comes from the end of the chorus: ''Cause no other name could ever do what He does!' We stand firm in our belief that only Jesus can heal, deliver, and save us!
With its upbeat, country flair, it's different from your typical Christmas song. This song reminds us that even as a baby, Jesus Christ was and still is the God we have come to love. He is the promised Messiah that would save God's people from their sins and that's exactly what He will do for anyone who accepts Him."
Listen to "His Name Is Jesus" HERE.
Tags : the lore family His Name is Jesus The Lore Family Christmas single