New Book "From Horror to Hope" Reveals the Horrors of Human Trafficking

Anti-trafficking organization members from Project Rescue are sharing their story and the testimonials of those whose lives have been changed in the book, From Horror to Hope: Inspiring Stories of Project Rescue and a Global Movement to Bring Freedom to Survivors of Sexual Exploitation (Charisma House). The book, written by Project Rescue co-founders David and Beth Grant, and Jonathan and Jennifer Barratt, CEO of Project Rescue Foundation and executive director of Project Rescue respectively, detail how this unconventional, diverse group of people came together to put an end to the exploitation of women and children in some of the most desolate and underserved areas of the world in both Southern Asia and Europe.
Over the past 25 years, Project Rescue's leaders have given their lives completely over to the cause of ending this physical, psychological, and spiritual bondage and bringing the freedom of Christ to those in desperate need of hope and eternal life. Many of them took time out of often impossible schedules for interviews and provided the stories on which this book is based. The stories in this book are their stories.
In their latest promotional video, David Grant and Jennifer Barratt share their heart behind From Horror to Hope. Grant says, "We're on a mission to rescue and restore victims of sexual slavery through the love and power of God."
In the early days of Project Rescue, leaders asked themselves one critical question that would change the course of their lives forever: "If organized crime can work together for evil purposes of greed, injustice, and exploitation, why can't good people-God's people-work together across denominations, organizations, and borders for God's great purposes of justice, freedom, and healing?" It is this philosophy of piercing through the darkness with light that has transformed and changed the trajectory of thousands of lives.
"No one," David Grant says, "no sexually exploited woman, man or child has a story so dark or difficult that it cannot be redeemed."
Project Rescue continues to pray together, share resources together, and fight hell on behalf of God's violated sons and daughters as they celebrate the hard-won victories of rescue and restoration together. "As important and life-changing as the work in the red-light districts of the world has been, perhaps training the trainers is one of the most strategic aspects of Project Rescue's ministry today," writes Beth Grant.
From Horror to Hope is released by Charisma House, which publishes books that challenge, encourage, teach, and equip Christians.
For additional information on From Horror to Hope, including a free sample chapter, visit:
Follow the Grants, the Barratts, and the whole Project Rescue team:
Facebook: @projectrescue
Twitter: @ProjRescue
Instagram: projrescue
Tags : From Horror to Hope: Inspiring Stories of Project Rescue and a Global Movement to Bring Freedom to Survivors of Sexual Exploitation human trafficking Jonathan and Jennifer Barratt David and Beth Grant Project Rescue
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