True Blood Finale: Flash Back Of The Past Episodes

True Blood Finale: Flash Back Of The Past Episodes
I'm one of the million watchers of True Blood, sometimes i imagine what if Vampires are true will i be able to meet my "Bill" as well? A vampire who has a hurtful past, his family was murdered by the town's people, burnt thier house and the only left for Bill are the happy memories when his family was still alive, living in a modern generation is not easy for him where vampires are accepted. Until he arrived at a small town and met "Sookie" a simple girl living woth his Grand Mother and his brother.
After which another group of Vampire murdered the grand mother of Sookie and her only connection to the vampires is Bill so they still need each other. Based from the story plot, it is not easy to be a vampire while living in a modern world, When the society learned the relationship of Bill and Sookie, the next mission of Bill was to protect Sookie.
It is a full blast of Drama, Action, Non-fictional, Vampirish film; I cannot put all into words the series but Lets all have a flash back of the past episodes:
Season 1;
Season 2:
Season 3:
Season 4:
Season 5:
Season 6:
season 7:
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